A.I. risk list

A Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance post gives us a handy rundown of AI risks. Let’s take a peek:

  • Unwanted bias, when automated systems relying on biased data or design produce
    discriminatory outcomes, perpetuates inequalities in decision-making. Some
    companies have faced legal action after using AI systems allegedly reinforcing
    discriminatory outcomes.[16]
  • “Hallucinations”, referring to when AI generates false information.[17]
  • AI systems trained on inaccurate, outdated, or otherwise not fit for purpose data.[18]
  • Spread of mis/dis-information or harmful content through AI generated content.
  • Failure to evaluate risks of third-party AI. Research suggests that more than half of
    all AI failures come from third-party tools, which most companies rely on.[19]
  • Intellectual property (IP) infringement.[20]
  • Data security breaches, including hacking or privacy violations.
  • Technical malfunctioning, causing autonomously operated machines to endanger
    human life, for instance.

Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance | Artificial Intelligence: An engagement guide