COVID Pivot? New Way to Talk about Eminent Domain

What’s happening? Alameda Co., CA wants to build wildlife bridges over I-580. That’s going to take acquiring some easements across land. So, to get to that point, Alameda County created the Altamont Landfill Open Space Committee to build trust.

Why is this important? Before talk of easements, the local county government is building relationships, and considering options like incentivize participation through a Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) system.

How will this be important? Let’s look at what the county officials are saying: “We will not be part of eminent domain, because we don’t want the landowners to feel that we’re targeting them in a bad way. Our intentions are not to restrict what people do. This is all voluntary, and they can be paid to protect and make money off the land in a way that they’re not making now.”

Independent News | Committee Aims to Grow Trust with Landowners