5 Eminent Domain Bills Filed Thus Far
On par with bill filing rates in 2013, 5 eminent domain related bills have been filed to restrain or prohibit the use of eminent domain or the the taking of private property:
- SB 178 Relating to prohibiting the use of eminent domain to take private property for recreational purposes.
- HB 565 Relating to powers of private toll project entities.
- HB 572 Relating to the sunset review of regional tollway authorities.
- HB 264 Relating to procedures for asserting taking claims against certain governmental entities.
- SB 234 Relating to the creation and operation of a park and recreation district in counties that share a border on the San Marcos River and to the authority of the district to collect fees; creating an offense and providing penalties.
Anticipated bill filings: Bill responding to the summer 2014 Railroad Commission rulemaking, which was a response to 2013’s HB 2748, which was a response to the Denbury case.