Tarrant County Voices on Eminent Domain. 4 Bits Informed Intel.

In a letter to the editor of the Ft. Worth Star Telegram, a North Texan from the Tea Party rich lands, makes the following points about eminent domain:

  • The land owners had to go to court to get just and adequate compensation.
  • Forcing this into the courts is “either gross incompetence or willful abuse of authority.”
  • its not cool when  the “Rangers initially didn’t want to pay the judgments, insisting this was the city’s (taxpayers’) responsibility. This in spite of being lavished with $200 million of largely public monies to build a stadium.”
  • This stadium use of eminent domain is “hypocrisy that passes for business as usual”

Why does this matter? Because vocal private property rights supporters will innundate legislators with similar arguments about all eminent domain bills.

Ft. Worth Star Telegram | Eminent Domain letter to the editor