Tucson EV Building Code
What is happening? Tucson, AZ is considering building code changes to support EV adoption.
Why is this important? The new EV building code would require :
- “Developments featuring retail stores, bars, food service, entertainment and personal and technical services with 100 or more parking spaces would be required to install EV charging stations providing service within 6 feet of at least 5 percent of their parking spaces, while another 5 percent of spaces would be required to have “EV Ready” plug-in outlets.”
- “require new commercial property developments to include minimum EV infrastructure ranging from EV-capable prewiring to EV charging stations, depending on each development’s intended land use.”
- ” developments with fewer than 100 required parking spaces would be exempt from the EV equipment requirements”
- Apartment and other multifamily housing developments and hotels would be required to install EV-ready power outlets accessible to at least 10 percent of their parking spaces and make 15 percent of their spaces “EV Capable”
- new commercial developments for administrative and professional, medical and research and development uses would have to be 5 percent EV-ready and 15 percent EV-capable.
How will this be important? The goal is equitable placement of chargers throughout the city
Governing | Are Tucson’s Proposed Electric Vehicle Rules Too Aggressive?