Was Peach State's Eminent Domain Ban Authored by a Supporter of Pipelines?

Yes, it was. State Representative Hitchens in a pipeline supporter & author of the 1 year ban on eminent domain.

Why? What pushed him over the edge? A private property rights supporter, a veteran, a retired law enforcement officer, a wildife supporter, and it had been 23 years since Georgia grnated private companies the power of eminent domain.

The 23 year time span since authorization was the tipping point? Partly, Yes. Technologies have changed on pipeline safety. 

What landowner stories impacted the legislator? A land owner whose family had owned the same land since its original grant in 1753 from the King of England.

Does this Republican have an opinion on taking private property for a private enterprise, like a pipeline? Yes, he is against it, but he understands the need for government use of eminent domain. 

Southeast Energy News | Q&A: Eminent domain and the Georgia pipeline debate