2013 Refresher: Common Carrier Point of Order

The Railroad Commission is in the midst of controversial rule making about which entities qualify as common carriers, because of last session’s HB 2748.

Texas needs to move its rich oil and gas resources around the state and country. Moving oil and gas to and fro requires traversing land. Land is owned by private individuals who love their private property rights, which makes getting access to build pipelines complicated. In 2013, a bill tried to address this issue. But,many private property right activists viewed HB 2748 as harming private property rights.  HB 2748 was killed on a very elegant point of order and never re-emerged again. 

The author of HB 2748 has retired from the Legislature, but the issue will be back for round 2 in 2015. Private property rights activists are engaged now more than ever before. Hold onto your hats it will be a bumpy ride.  [HB 2748 (2013)]