4 Lessons from New California Groundwater Regulations. Hello TXHNRC Interim Charges 1,6,8.
In 2014 and 2015 California enacted new groundwater regulations. Now that regulations are moving, tensions are rising.
4 lessons from California’s new groundwater regulations:
- When King’s County considered imposing restrictions on drilling new wells and selling groundwater to other counties, a county supervisor was told to get a body guard
- Agricultural crop values rose during California’s drought, making farm land very protective of its groundwater
- In farm lands where groundwater basins are critically overdrawn, lawsuits over groundwater regulation are front and center
- Depleted aquifers, from unlimited groundwater pumping, have led to sinking lands, including sinking state highways.
California Groundwater Facts:
- Groundwater makes up 60% of all fresh water consumed during drought years
- Groundwater is 40% of water consumption in average rainfall years
- New groundwater legislation affects 127 basins that regulators have deemed to be medium or high priority because of their importance to the state’s water supplies
Groundwater adjudication cases often take 10, 15, 20 years to resolve