Anatomy of Local EV Charger Regulations

What’s happening? St. Louis region has new  local development ordinances that will impact EV chargers going into effect in 2022.

Why is this important? The new ordinances will:

  • requires all commercial, entertainment, and institutional locations undergoing construction or extensive renovations within the county to reserve 2% of their parking spaces to be reserved for EV charging beginning in January. 2022
  • require 10% of a project’s total parking spaces to be ready to supply power if the demand for EVs increases. 
  • A $500 daily fine until compliance
  • Separate ordnance will require multi-family residential and non-residential construction and building rehabs to include EV-ready spots for 5% of spots for parking lots housing more than 50 spaces. 

How will this be important? As a result of these ordinances, “investor-owned utilities and electric cooperatives across Missouri are investing in EV infrastructure in cities and rural areas of the state.”

Missouri Times | St. Louis region enacts EV development regulations