Ballot 2020. How many climate change propositions on the ballot?

  • Alaska wants to increase by a factor of almost 4, the tax on oil production
  • Denver wants to raise the sales tax by 1/4 a cent to fund $40 million per year for programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • LongBeach wants to increase the local oil production tax by 15 cents a barrel to fund a climate change action and adaptation plan.
  • Berkeley wants to raise taxes on gas and electricity utilities by 2.5%
  • Albany, CA wants to also raise utility taxes to fund pollution-reduction efforts, like electrifying buildings
  • Columbus OH wants permission to buy clean energy credits
  • Nevada will not whether solar, geothermal, and other renewable resources will provide half their electricity by 2030.

Grist | Climate change is on the ballot in 7 cities and states