Fracking Is to Private Property Rights As Oil is to Vinegar?

Forbes digs into why a fracking ban emerged in the heart of fracking’s home turf? Appears as though people were concerned about their private property and roads. Texans like their land, driving their trucks, and owning their guns. Forbes doesn’t mention guns, but looks at how fracking got too close for comfort.

There are 272 active wells in Denton city limits. It wasn’t the usual environmental concerns driving the fracking ban. It was wells too close to homes and a park and increased traffic congestion. 

The citizens of Denton by all appearances wanted their land, parks and roads respected. There are always bad actors that trounce respect. The backlash in a community is directly proportional to how bad these bad guys are.  

Denton’s backlash was solid but not overwhelming. Denton passed the fracking prohibition with 59% of its voters supporting it. Lawsuits have been filed and legislation is imminent. [Forbes| Loren Steffy]