Lege Trend from the West: Require Renewables During Peaks

State: California

The legislation: California AB 1405 (2017)

How it works: 

  • Defines a four hour peak-load time period around the hour of each day that exhibits the highest peak demand

  •  Directs state regulators to determine the percentage of clean kilowatt hours each electric utility delivers.

  • In 2020, requires the California Public Utilities Commission to to ensure each utility increases the percentage of clean peak resources it delivers every 3 years for at least 15 days per month. 

Where did this blue state idea come from? A red state- Arizona. The Arizona state consumer advocate proposed tweaks to the state renewable portfolio standard (RPS) that could maximize the value of new capacity by adding a timing

Utility Dive | California bills propose ‘clean peak’ standard to boost renewables deployment