Hospital District Funding in South Texas

  • October 19, 2014

Valley Morning Star decalres that Hidalgo county’s 59 cent tax rate per $100 valuation is among the highest for populous counties in Texas. This November it’ll go higher. A proposition to fund a county hospital district seeks to add 8 cents to the total property tax rate. To address this high rate, Senator Hinojosa will be filing a local bill to lower the cap from 75 cents to 25 cents. 

“State Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen, published in Saturday’s Monitor a notice of intent to file a local bill lowering the cap to 25 cents per $100 of valuation.” In reponse, McAllen’s mayor  will not make any appointments to the hospital district board until the Hinjosa bill becomes law. [Valley Morning Star]

Refreshing Recollection: Emerging Tech State Auditor Report

  • October 17, 2014

During this week’s House Select Committee on Economic Incentives hearing, a 2011 State Auditor Office (SAO) Report on the Emerging Technology Fund was mentioned multiple times.

The SAO opens this report by faulting the Emerging Technology Fund for its accountability and transparency. This should have been a warning sign for all  economic development incentive funds. [The Full SAO Audit of Emerging Technology Fund 2011]


Sovereign Immunity: When a contractor can sue, the law suits are big ones

  • October 16, 2014

Generally, its not easy to sue a governmental entity. Getting through the barrier of soveriegn immunity takes special circumstances. In the case of Zachry v. the Port of Houston, those special circumstances were alleged bad acts on the part of the Port which gave rise to a jury verdict of $22 million.

$22 million to be paid by a governmental entity to the aggreived contractor. $22 million in tax revenue to be paid to a contractor because of a governmental entity’s oops moment. 

The Texas Supreme Court on August 29, 2014 ageed that bad acts had occurred, not the win that the Port was looking for with the Supremes. Today the Port filed a motion for re-hearing.

It’s a case with deep pockets, a big jury award for Zachry, and long range implications on government contracting in Texas. Be on the look out for legislation to illuminate government contracting. [Zachry v. Port of Houston]


Price of Oil is Dropping. Is the Sky falling on the robust Texas Economy? No.

  • October 15, 2014

A barrel of oil is selling at $85. That’s the lowest point in 4 years. Oil revenue is a substantial portion of the Texas economy. Oil prices are falling, but oil production is climbling. A Rice economist suggests the two offset each other.

Other economic reasons impact the lower oil prices including a strong dollar, speculators betting on lower prices, and stalled international economic growth. [KUT]

Tax Plan from Dan

  • October 15, 2014

Reducing property taxes was the focus of Dan Patrick’s first election to the Texas Senate and it continues to be front and center during his campaign for Lt. Gov. The Texas Tribune this morning wrote about Dan Patrick’s tax plan. [Texas Tribune]

Houston Revenue Cap causes Tax Cut

  • October 14, 2014

Revenue caps and tax cuts are de rigueur in conservative tax paralance. Ten years ago Houston voters imposed a revenue cap. The city revenue is hitting the cap; forcing a rollback.

What does this mean? If your Houston property value is $200,000, you’re rollback is $12.27 or roughly 3 cups of coffee. With every peak there is a valley, in 6 months, Houston will face a deficit of $120 Million. [Houston Chronicle] 

2013 Refresher: State Water Plan Funding

  • October 13, 2014

In 2013 the Legislature passed SJR 1 and HB 4 which created new funding mechanisms for funding the statewide water plan. Part of this new funding structure included $2 billion from the Texas Rainy Day Fund. [HB 4 (2013)]  [SJR 1(2013)]

The Texas Water Development Board has a plethora of materials on its website about the legislation and the rule making that followed. [TWDB]  There are a number of other resources as well; the Texas A&M Water Resources Institute publishes the Texas Water Journal. 

LBB Report of Major Investment Funds

  • October 13, 2014

The fiscal year 2013 report on major state investment funds is available. For those salivating for the annual rate of return was 8.42% and the total increase in market value of all the funds was 5.6% above the 2012 levels. [LBB] 

Education Groups Do Not Support Rainy Day Fund- in California

  • October 13, 2014

California has Prop 2 on its November ballot. Prop 2 is Governor Brown’s belief that California needs a larger, more robust Rainy Day Fund with greater restrictions on use. Sound familar, Texas? Education Groups aren’t opposing Prop 2, but they won’t support it either. [EdSource]

Refresher: HB 585 Appraisal Reforms (2013)

  • October 13, 2014

In 2013 HB 585 reformed the appraisal system, which remains under fire for what is perceived as a disproportionate impact on revenue collection from commercial property re-appraisals.  

HB 585 required the Comptroller issued model appraisal review board hearing procedures in December 2013. The Office of the Comptroller will issue a report on the model procedures in early 2015.  [Model Appraisal Review Board hearing Procedures] 

HB 585 also established a new burden of proof standard of clear and convincing. An Appraisal District has to establish the value by the clear and convincing evidence.  [HB 585 (2013)] 


For Indexing the Gas Tax

  • October 12, 2014

Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Addkisson supports indexing the gas tax. He points to the Governor’s Business Council which said that a 10 cent per gallon increase could make up the $60-90 Billion deficit in Texas transportation funding. He goes on to say that local governments are contributing millions in upfront funding to cover TXDOT transportation projects. [My SA]

Welcome to Texas, Bitcoin Entrepreneurs.

  • October 5, 2014

Bitcoin backers are good researchers. They can tell you about Texas’ limited regulations on business, low taxes, and its long history with nurturing technology innovation. The data security around bitcoin operations is legendary. Bitcoin industry will fit in nicely with Libertarian leaning Texas as it ponders its move from California.  [Bitcoin Magazine]

Economic Development: New Rules Other Events & Major Events Trust Funds

  • October 2, 2014

Economic Development is under the gun in the Legislature. A total of 4 committees are looking into whether state revenues should be used for economic development. Texas has the strongest economy in the country and many say its because of economic development.

The Comptroller has been busy updating the rules and the application process for tax increment reimbursement for major and other events. [Major Event Fund Rules] [Other Event Fund Rules] [New Application Process]

Longview Editorial: Economic Development Funds Mess Demand Action

  • October 2, 2014

Concerns over Texas economic development funds has percolated since before the State Auditor report in September. It’s campaign fodder. It’s fodder for editorials. Longview chimes in on the issue referring to “shoddy record keeping;” “potential misuse of tax dollars;” and the transparency of the process is questioned. [Longview News Journal]

Broad Tax Base; Broad Economic Development Solutions. Texas Can’t Grow without Business.

  • October 2, 2014

Texas Enterprise Fund faces a hiccup with the recent State Auditor report purporting that hundreds of millions in awards were made without application. Tea Party wants to end corporate entitlements and let the free market prevail. State leaders are looking to every available solution.  A look at both sides.[Houston Chronicle]

Revenues Fund Pensions. Pensions are Controversial.

  • October 1, 2014

There are many well managed and properly funded pensions. When revenues to fund pensions disappear, underfunded pensions and growing pension liabilities emerge.  Not far behind are policy and legal issues. As we all know, legal issues mean lawsuits. A California federal bankruptcy judge opened the door to loosen the sanctity of pensions. 
The bankruptcy court dealt a blow to CALPERS. CALPERS wanted to be treated like a creditor when the Stockton pension crisis left the Calpers system because of Stockton’s bankruptcy. The Judge doesn’t view CALPERS as a creditor.  The judge’s determination mirrors how pensions were treated by the courts in Detroit’s bankruptcy. Judicially consistent, but a burden on the CALPERS system.  [NYT (DealB%k)]

Europe Calling: Economic Development Tax Deals are Illegal State Support of Business

  • September 30, 2014

EU regulators found that tax deals granted to Apple and Fiat violate the prohibition against state support of companies. Economic Development in Europe is broken too. Fix It Again, Tony. [WSJ] 

Oil Field Workers Need Accommodations, Moving to Canada not an Option

  • September 30, 2014

It takes a lot of human capital to run oil fields. Those humans need to sleep somewhere. A Houston based company that provides accommodations for oil field works discovered the tax implications of booming business. The company considered converting to a REIT, but hot summer days led to a better conclusion- move to Canada. Not only does Canada offer cooler summers but is also offers a lower tax rate for this C-Corp. The 25-26% tax rate in Canada is roughly 4% lower than the US tax rate on the C-corp’s income.  [Financial Post]


Arizona Hearts Texas.

  • September 30, 2014

Imitation is there highest form of flattery. The Republican Candidate for Governor of Arizona thinks Texas economy is enviable. He is proposing  eliminating Arizona’s income tax. Arizona faces a $1Billion deficit. Texas is looking at a surplus of more than $8 Billion. Arizona taxes personal income. Texas does not. 
The Tax Foundation suggests that Arizona eliminate state sales tax exemptions, because they run a think tank and not a campaign. Campaigns know taxpayers show no love to politicians who run on a platform of more taxes. A broader sales tax base indeed does lower the tax rate, but it takes a lot of fancy tax words to explain.  [Arizona Public Media]

Enterprise Fund Solutions: Every Possible Option

  • September 27, 2014

Reform the Enterprise Fund is the mantra of this election season. Whether the legisaltive solution relies on greater transperancy, a stricter application process, a faster application process to improve competitiveness, stricter enforcement, or elimination of the fund is the question du jour.  Tea Partiers lean toward elimination. Business interests lean toward reform.

Will the Legislature take the politically expedient option or the option that strengthens Texas position has an economic powerhouse? Greg Abbott told the Houston Chronicle that every option should be on the table. [Houston Chronicle]

Property Tax Cap: This cap is the top hat of tax reform

  • September 26, 2014

Property Tax Caps are hot topics. They gently rode off into the Sunset with Texas 2006 tax reforms, but they’re back from outer space. Property Tax Caps are en vogue in New York too. They’re so popular, people are suing. The New York Teachers Union sued claiming the property tax caps are unconstitutional and unfair to property poor districts. (Sound like familiar phrases?)
Governor Cuomo called the lower court ruling upholding the constitutionality of property tax caps a victory for taxpayers. New York placed a 2% cap on property taxes. Property values are high in New York too. New York allows the cap to be exceed with consent from 60% of local voters.  New York’s property tax cap legal journey is just beginning. 
This should be on your radar as the legal and policy arguments are identical to Texas.  [The Republic]

Broad Tax Base Say Hello To My Little Friend, Property Tax Exemption for Pollution Control

  • September 25, 2014

Power Producers install heat-recovery steam generators to increase the efficiency of power production. More efficiency leads to greater pollution control, which leads to a tax deduction. Or, does it? According to TCEQ the steam generators were installed to improve production, not to reduce pollution. Therefore, no tax deduction. The 16 Counties which sought an administrative stop to the removal of millions of dollars from the property tax rolls via this clever deduction can now claim victory. [Houston Chronicle]

Sitting Illinois State Rep. Moves to Texas

  • September 25, 2014

State Representatives are just like us. They too move for better jobs and lower taxes. She lists a slew of reasons Texas bests Illinois; including: no state income taxes; lower property taxes, and business growth. Moving to Texas is like “getting a raise.”  [Illinois Watchdog]

Control Freaks: State and Local Officials Want to Control Tax Rates

  • September 23, 2014

For decades, the fight to control your tax rates has been brewing. The State wants to control inflated property tax rates. Locals want to be able to provide for their own needs. Controlling the purse strings is a very big deal. 

Some state leaders are talking about property tax caps. Not a popular concept to local officials. Beaumont Enterprise is first out of the gate railing against property tax caps. [Beaumont Enterprise]

Beaumont Editorial: Yes to Local Control, No to Tax Caps

  • September 23, 2014

Local Control. Clamoring to claim responsibility for the hard decisions- like tax rates. Jefferson County hasn’t raised the local property tax rate of 36.5 cents in 7 years. They say they don’t want Austin’s help with one size fits all tax solutions. [Beaumont Enterprise]

Grassroots 2014: Inequitable Property Tax System

  • September 16, 2014

Austin Chronicle awarded Real Values for Texas the “2014 Best Grassroots Campaign to Hit Home.”  Real Values for Texas supports fairness in the proeprty tax system. What’s interesting is the organizations supporting Real Values for Texas. They aren’t the usual far right red meat, the organizations supporting Real Values for Texas are of the blue variety: AFL CIO, Move On, AFT….[Real Values for Texas] 

Mapping Economic Growth

  • September 16, 2014

The US Bureau of Economic Analysis maps economic growth. Its searchable. There are printable maps. [US Dept. of Commerce]

Tax News Du Jour: Tax Shelters Andorra and Luxembourg lifting the veil of secrecy:

  • May 23, 2014

Tax Shelters are Feeling the Heat. Luxembourg has agreed to EU requirements for account information sharing. [WSJ]

Is the $5 entrance fee to Strip Clubs an Occupation Tax? Whose Occupation- the bouncers? the dancers? the janitors?

  • May 9, 2014

Whoever said tax law was boring, hasn’t been paying attention. The Legislature nobly passed this tax to increase funding to  domestic violence prevention programs. But, since it passed the Legislature in 2008, this tax is a lesson in litigating tax laws.  First, the Texas Supreme Court says in 2011 we may have a first amendment violation of free speech. The case gets sent back to the trial court to look at it again. Back through the courts we go for 3 more years. Now the courts say so long to the first amendment, and hello occupation tax. Wait, if its an occupation tax, we have to allocate 25% to public education, scratch that analysis. Definitely not an occupation tax. It’s just a tax. Definitely no first amendment problems, thanks to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling. But, wait folks, it’s not done yet, we still have the Texas Supreme Court to give its final word. [Third Court of Appeals] [Texas Tribune]

Commercial Property Tax Appraisals vs. Residential Property Tax Appraisals Welcome to 2003

  • April 30, 2014

Deja vu all over again. Remember the last years long battle to establish statutory balance that helps alleviate the concerns of residential property tax payers? We’re back! Hello talks of appraisal caps and providing property relief for residential property tax owners. [Houston Press] 

Drafting Error: Major Event Trust Fund. Words Matter. Use Words Carefully When Drafting Bills.

  • April 21, 2014

SB 1678 (2013) added events to the Major Events Trust Fund recipient pool. Nobel goal to draw events and the corresponding tax revenue to Texas. But, when you draft these bills you have to remember that just adding an event to the list isn’t enough.  You have to add the ability to award those funds to the event too. Want to know how to draft a bill like this? Read [GA-1052]





Rally to Reform Commercial Property Tax System

  • April 1, 2014

Protesting taxes, an American tradition, comes to life in San Antonio as people gather to rally to reform commercial property tax system. In Boston, protestors throw tea into a harbor, in San Antonio does one dump tequila in the river? What makes this protest intersting is that the activists are of the blue variety, not the red variety. [My San Antonio]

Politifact: Travis Co. Has the Highest Tax Rate since 1996

  • February 26, 2014

Legislators hear a lot about high tax rates in Harris County, Dallas County and the corresponding metropolitican areas. But, which county has the highest tax rates? Who should be the most vocal and concerned about high tax rates?  Politifact sifts through tax rates, includes links to country tax rates and decalres Travis as the highest tax rate. [Politifact]

Property Tax Revenue Shortfall? Look to Lawsuits.

  • February 6, 2014

Tax law is complicated. Complicated laws lead to law suits. Property tax law suits brought by commercial property owners are impacting the coffers in San Antonio. [ My SA]