10 Commandments of Economic Development Reemerge in House Economic Development Committee

Chair Chen Button’s Select Interim Committee on Economic Incentives issued a committee report that established 10 ways to analyze economic development programs. These 10 key points are re-emerging in Chair Chen Button’s House Committee on Small Business and Economic Development.

Let’s refresh the 10 points for economic development programs:

  1. A clear purpose of expected outcomes

  2. Metrics for achieving the outcomes

  3. A timeframe for achieving the purpose

  4. Funding limits (annually or biennially) 

  5. A competitive and open award selection process.

  6. Clawbacks for underperformance

  7. Transparency – routine, publicly available reporting

  8. Regular independent audits

  9. A sunset date

  10. Sunset review of purpose and effectiveness 

Interim Committee Report House Select Committee on Economic Development Incentives