120 Local Bond Elections in Texas in 2017. 91% Passage Rate
11 of the 120 local bond elections on November 7, 2017 were defeated. What did the defeated bonds have in common?
- not in the state’s largest cities or counties
- more than 1/2 were for schools or athletic fields
- the largest bond package defeated was $291 by Ector ISD
Texas Comptroller | Bond Election Results
Refreshing our recollection:
The $500 Million + bond ballot items:
- Austin ISD $1,050,984,000 for New Schools, School Improvements, Technology, Transportation
- City of Dallas $533,981,000 for streets and transportation
- Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD (Tarrant Co.) $524,700,000 for New Schools, Growth, Athletic Fields and Security
- Ft. Worth ISD $750,000,000 for New Schools, Renovations and Additions
- Katy ISD $609,204,553 for New Schools, Renovations, Expansions, Technology and Security
The little guys:
- Coahoma ISD $4,000,000 for Atheltic fields
- Dekalb ISD $2,500,000 for Gymnasium
- Farmers Branch $4,000,000 for Street and Station Improvement
- Farmers Branch $4,000,000 for Neighborhood Improvements
- Grapevine $3,900,000 for Animal Shelter
- Grapevine $4,800,000 for Golf course
- Highland Village $2,860,000 for Reconstruction of Streets
- Highland Village $4,290,000 for Park and Recreation
- Laneville ISD $3,794,000 for School Additions and Renovations
- Laneville ISD $2,949,000 for New Gym and Auditorium
- Little Elm ISD $4,500,000 for Refunding
- Mineral Wells $3,960,000 for Installing Water Line
- Murphy $1,735,000 for Public Safety Facilities
- Murphy $1,315,000 for Improvements to Municipal Building
- Murphy $4,400,000 for Parks and Recreation
- Plainview $3,800,000 for Firestation
- Plainview $3,800,000 for Pool Project
- Plainview $1,480,000 for Street Scape Plan
- Plainview $1,500,000 for Athletic Fields
- Waller $1,315,000 for Civic Center
The local governmental entity breakdown:
- 49 Cities
- 56 ISDs
- 1 Community College District
- 11 Counties
- 2 Water District
- 1 Navigation District
Texas Comptroller Upcoming Election Roundup