2 Ways A City Cut Pensions to Police & Fire
Which city cut its pensions for police and fire? Chattanooga
What cuts did Chattanooga make?
- Reduced cost of living adjustments by amending the guaranteed annual 3% cost of living rate to an average of 1.5%, depending on the level of benefits
- Increased the employee conributions while reducing the city contributions.
How was Chattanooga able to do this?
- The mayor first formed a 18-member task force
- The task force recommended the cuts
- The cuts reduce the city’s $150 million unfunded pension liability
- The cuts also reducde the ” increasingly unsustainable city contribution to the pension fund”
- Increased employees’ pension contributions by nearly 40%
- Saving Chattanooga more than $227 million over the next 24 years
Did pension recipients sue? Yes, but a federal district judge this week ruled in favor of Chattanooga by finding:
- the cost of living adjustment was not a vested right nor was it a contractual obligation
- the cost of living adjustments were separate and apart from vested rights listed in city ordinance.
Chattanooga Tiems Free Press | Chattanooga wins pension lawsuit filed by retired police officers, firefighters
Governing | Pension Cuts Win Federal Court Support in Chattanooga