3 Counterpoints to 6 Fiscal Problems with Sales Tax Holidays.




Texas Retailer Association offers 3 counterpoints on the benefits of sales tax holidays:

  • sales tax holidays lead to greater overall sales
  • “trickle down” economics leads to other sales during sales tax holidays
  • the back to school holiday should be expanded to include technology like laptops and tablets

San Antonio Express News | Tax Foundation criticizes sales tax holidays, but Texas retailers disagree


Previously on informed:intel:

According to a new study released this week from the Tax Foundation, state sales tax holidays preent 6 fiscal problems for states.

16 states have sales tax holidays. Only Texas & Lousianna have 3 separate weekends of different sales tax holidays.

99 problems might be an issue for some, for sales tax holidays, its’ these 6 fiscal problems:

  • Do not promote economic growth
  • Discriminate arbitrarily among certain products and industries
  • Mislead consumers about real savings
  • Cause complexity and instability in the tax code
  • Are not an effective means of relief for low-income consumers
  • Are gimmicks that distract policymakers and taxpayers from genuine, permanent tax relief

Tax Foundation | Sales Tax Holidays: Politically Expedient but Poor Tax Policy, 2017