3 Points. Laura & John Arnold Foundation. Study. Dallas Police & Fire Pensions.
- Tone of the study. The study focuses on these terms:
- “financial crisis”
- ” inadequate funding”
- ” irresponsible benefit[s]”
- “poor investment decisions”
- “mismanaged”
- “reckless decisions”
- Proposed solution:
- The Legislature must give city leaders local control of the police and fire fund
- The City must take steps to stabilize DROP
- The City must develop a plan to pay down the pension debt
- The City must adopt a better funding policy
- Prudent investment policies must be established
- New employees must be put in a Defined Contribution or Cash Balance plan
- What happens if there is no pension reform:
- taxes increase
- wages will decrease for public servants
Laura and John Arnold Foundation Report on Dallas Pensions October 2016
Fox 4 News | Report criticizes transparency of Dallas Police and Fire Pension System