3 Points. Opponents. Fantasy Sports in Minnesota.

Opponents to Fantasy Sports make the following 3 arguments in Minnesota:

  • season long fantasy sports is skill, daily fantasy sports is a game of luck
  • daily fantasy sports is “”is much like running a bookmaking company.”
  • daily fantasy sports targets young people who were ” “who were born with cell phones in their hands.”

The retort from the bill’s author: daily and season long fantasy sports are the same

What the Minnesota bill does:

  • requires registration with the state
  • background checks for operators
  • regular audits of companies offering the sport
  • consumer protections like:
    • banning companies that run fantasy sports from playing the games
    • bans games in which winners are determined by scores of actual games
    • requires players to be paid within 72 hours
    • mandates that skill levels of players must be available to others

Duluth News Tribune | Minnesota legislators consider regulating daily fantasy sports playing