3 Reasons Big City Mayors Are Wrong According to TPPF

Responding to the Bigy City Mayors opposition to property tax relief proposals, TPPF says that real property tax relief is necessary for 3 reasons:

  • Texas is the 15th worst state in the nation for property taxes.
    • They cite the  Tax Foundation’s latest national rankings that local government in Texas collects $1557 per person in 2010, up from $1393 in 2008. 
  • “Texas homeowners are getting pummeled.” 
    • They cite the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey  ​that from 2010 to 2012, the 3 year average annual property tax burden for a homeowner in Texas was $2,477. “By comparison, the same three-year tax average for an OOD in the South Region was $1,411 annually while the average U.S. taxpayer paid $2,091.”
  • “Texas businesses bear a heavy burden.”
    •  From 2007 to 2011, property taxes as a percentage of total business taxes grew from 38.4 percent to 44.1 percent, according to the Business Tax Advisory Committee’s report to the 83rd Legislature.