5 Points. Editorial. Economic Development is Corporate Welfare.

Which paper ran an editorial about corporate welfare? Corpus Christi Caller Times

What economic development deal triggered this editorial? An economic development deal between the State of Texas and Chevron.

What did the Chevron economic development deal look like?

  • Texas offers up $12 Million in economic incentives from the Texas Enterprise Fund
  • Chevron promises to build a 50 story, $662 million building in Houston
  • Chevron promises to create 1,752 high wage jobs

Was the office bulding built & the high wage jobs created? No, 1,500 were laid off from Chevron

Did Chevron face a clawback? No, the editorial says the building construction and high wage jobs wer enot included in the economic development contract.

Corpus Christi Caller Times | A Texas-style corporate welfare case