8 Reasons to Abolish the Gas Tax

8 Reasons why the Gas tax Should be abolished:

  • Cars are more efficient, eroding the projected growth of the tax 
  • Purchasing Power of the Gas Tax has slipped
  • Diversions
    • 1/4 the federal gas tax is diverted to:
      •  mass transit in 6 metro areas &
      •  other programs:  street cars, ferries, sidewalks, bike lanes, hiking trails, urban planning and  landscaping nationwide
  • Federal spending on “other programs”  has increased 38% since 2008, while highway spending is flat.
  • Texas recovered only 88 cents of every dollar
  • 7 states and Washington, D.C. eceived more than twice as much.  
  • “States can build cheaper in any case, since the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rules and Buy America procurement provisions that accompany federal funding don’t apply.”