Activist TREND. 3 Arguments Against Tax Payer Funded Lobbying in Texas.

Texas Public Policy Foundation arguements against local governmental entities hiring lobbyists are:

  • its not the lobbyists we have a problem with, its that government should not lobby government
    • “does government itself have the right to lobby?”
  • local control can harm state economic interests.
    • “what if local control is injurious to freedom? What if local control hurts the larger state economy?”
  • the constitution. government has no rights to lobby. Rights are with the people.

As a bonus: local govenrment lobbying is effective and a good return on investment.

“Spending a few tens of millions to influence how some of that $116 billion was spent appears to be a good return on investment.”

TPPF recommends trying again with the 1997 HB 2501 by Elkins to prohibit local government lobbying.

Texas Public Policy Foundation | Government Spends Millions To Lobby Government–Time To End The Practice