Anatomy of a Pension Deal. Dallas Police and Fire Pension Board.

The Dallas Police and Fire Pension Board has approved these pension reforms:

  • Dallas will contribute $1 billion
  • Increase contribution rates for police and fire personnel who are not in DROP plans from 8.5% to 9.0%
  • Increase contributions of active police officers and firefighters who are in DROP would rise from 4 percent to 9 percent
  • Dallas will increase its contribution  from 27.5% to 28.8%, highest allowed by statute
  • Cost of Living Adjustments drop significantly

What’s required to move the reform forward?

  • 65% of plice and fire fighters must approve the deal
  • The reforms cover 55% of the funding shortfall, the remainder will be covered by taxpayers
    • Most likely funding source: a bond proposal

WFAA | Dallas Police and Fire Pension Board approve plan to help failing retirement fund