BLM Response. Protestor Criminalization Legislation.
Where: TN
What: HB 8005 (2020 | TN)
- people who illegally camp on state property
- will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison
- those found guilty of the felony lose the right to vote
- mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting
- fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles
- enhances punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony
What happened around the TN Capitol related to this bill?
- 2 months of sustained protests outside the state Capitol
- Governor signed
- Concerns that non-protesting homeless will be arrested under this legislation
The Hill | Tennessee governor signs bill increasing punishments for certain protests
Time | New Tennessee Law Severely Sharpens Punishments for Some Protesters, Potentially Endangering Their Voting Rights