Certain Texas Counties Pushing Tax Reforms. 3 Points to their Tax Plan.
- Oil producing counties are a state revenue source. Eagle Ford Shale counties alone contribute $323 million of severance tax receipts a year.
- Unfair revenue exchange with oil counties. In the same year that DeWitt county contributed $57.5 Million in severence taxes, it received $112,000 from the comptroller for money generated from gasoline tax remittances and overweight axle fees
- Now the oil producing counties are left with dangerous roads. This was the catalyst for a county transportation infrastructure fund grant program
- Time for the state to stop getting a “free ride.” Oil counties want the legislature to:
- Establish requirements and timelines on how repairs should be made
- Establish requirements for how the money is distributed — including the loose wording that only requires a county have increased energy production
- Must be an ongoing program for transportation funding
- Must have greater trickle down to the oil producing counties
Victoria Advocate | Texas counties call for oil, gas tax distribution reform