Finance & Revenue
What’s the deal? The pandemic changed the world. We know this. So, let’s accept it like the earth is round. It’s still ok to believe the earth is round, right? The move toward corporate social responsibility that began in the summer of 2018 by the Business Roundtable and accelerated with the 2020 pandemic is in full gear ahead for 2021 when economic develop deals will require diversity and inclusivity.
Why should we care? There’s a push to use words like resilience which has long been held to climate impact, weather events, or the capacity to deliver utilities. Now, with remote working and the after effects of 2020, resilience means economic resilience too.
How can this impact me? A University of Texas professor is talking about how cities, businesses and anchor institutions should consider the “good jobs strategy” developed by Zeynep Ton at MIT. Know who uses this strategy? H-E-B, Costco and Trader Joes, in which low-paid service jobs are re-envisioned as viable careers to the benefit of both employees and employers.
Route Fifty | Toward a More Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development Paradigm
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