Economic Incentive Oversight Board Appointees. 3 Tidbits on Each Appointee.
What is the Economic Incentive Oversight Board?
- HB 26 created it
- Reviews the effectiveness and efficiency of state incentive programs and funds administered by the offices of the Governor, the Comptroller and the Department of Agriculture.
- Makes recommendations to the Legislature
The Governor Appointees:
Adriana Cruz
- president of the Greater San Marcos Partnership
- treasurer of the Foreign Trade Zone of Central Texas
- UT-Austin
Trevor Pearlman
- Founder, Tregan Partners
- National Association of Royalty Owners
- UT-Austin & J.D. from SMU
Massey Villarreal
- president of Precision Task Group, Inc
- Texas A&M Corpus Christ
- Active in Mexican American & Hispanic Chambers of Commerce
Governor Abbott | Appoints Three To Economic Incentive Oversight Board