Impending Divorce between Film Incentives & Video Gaming Incentives?

Advocates for film incentives along with the Texas Association of Business and Hotel and Lodging Association are asking for Film Incentives to be separated from video gaming incentives. 

Texas Association of Business Lays Out the Reasons Why to Support the Divorce:

  • different business models
  • video games are made in brick and mortar buildings
  • video games take years to complete

How does industry spending break down?

  • video game developers received more than $16 million in grants and spent nearly $96 million on projects in Texas (16% return on investment)
    • 180 video game companies in Texas, making Texas #2 in the nation 
  • Television, commercial and film companies were granted about $36 million and spent $200 million in the state. (18% return on investment)
    • Texas has 210 film and television production companies

Texas Tribune