Interim: 5 Points to Know: Pensions. Private Equity Firms. Transparency in Fees.
- Pension systems have failed to disclose, or ask, how much private equity firms keep in performance fees
- When performance fees paid by pensions is revealed, the rulemaking/agency protocol/legislative solutions are 3 fold:
- tougher scrutiny of private-equity investments
- cut back a pension’s private equity holdings
- negotiate lower fees
- Examples of performance fees paid around the country by state pension systems:
- CALPERS Billions over 17 years above what was disclosed
- New Mexico $6.3 million in performance fees
- South Carolina $35.3million in performance fees
- Kentucky $34.1 million
- New Jersey $91.3 Million in performance fees
- Pension funds avoid disclosing performance fees because:
- accounting rules didn’t require public reporting
- returns were high enough to mitigate any cost concerns
- The issue of performance fees paid came to light nationwide after an activist blog publicly asked a CALPERS official for the amount the pension system paid to private equity firms
- When CALPERS investigated, it was determined that the private equity firms did not know th e answer.
Bonjour, House Pension Committee Interim Charge #5
Wall Street Journal | Pensions’ Private-Equity Mystery: The Full Cost
New York Times | Calpers Paid $3.4 Billion to Private Equity Firms