INTERIM Committee Recommendations. Economic & Small Business Development. 10 Recommendations.

House Committee on Economic & Small Business Development 2016 Interim Committee Report  offers these recommendations:

  • Increase outreach and tools available to small businesses
  • Examine “economic incentive programs for their potential to better meet the needs of rural and small businesses
  • Chapter 313 Agreements
    • “recommends a closer look at Type A and Type B agreements to ensure that all Texas communities that choose to use this tool, are able to do so in the most effective manner possible. Additionally, the committee recommends Type A and Type B agreements be examined by the EIO Board to better allow the Board to take a comprehensive look at economic development in Texas.”
  • Enterprise Fund
    • Allow for a supplemental awards or recipients who can demonstrate an investment in Texas businesses
    • “Recommends using the Enterprise Fund to reward large companies doing business with Texas based companies to potentially provide additional support for smaller businesses and those located in rural areas.”
  • Venture Capital
    • “explore ways to increase access to capital and enhance the venture capital climate for small businesses in Texas “
  • Governor’s University Research Initiative
    • Recommends including rising star researchers
  •  Research and Development (R&D) tax credit
    • Recommends continuation
  • Sharing Economy
    • Recommends statewide sharing economy policies for a stable environment for emerging industries & adequate consumer protections 
  • Streamline Application process
    • Recommends 1 single application for economic incentives