INTERIM PENSION STUDIES. Lege Trend: Pension Funding Requirements in a State Constitution
Which state is contemplating pension funding thresholds be constitutional? New Jersey
What would the pension constitutional amendment require?
- That the Legislature make full pension payments
- That pension payments must be made quarterly
What are the arguments against constititional pension requirements?
- tie the hands of legislators
- legislators need flexibility for balancing the annual budget
- the pension problem is complex since pensions have not been fully funded in New Jersey since 1997
- we don’t know what crisis might exist year to year and requiring billions come off the top to fund pensions, could harm new Jersey during crisis
- Illinois did this 46 years ago and today Illinois has the worst pension crisis in the country
- It will lead to tax increases that will hit business, and hit small businesses the hardest
New Jersey Business | Keep Pension Funding Out of the Constitution