INTERIM. Texas State Debt vs. Local Debt by the Numbers.
State Debt by the numbers:
- Total Outstanding State Debt: $41.0 billion
- Top 3 Categories of State Debt:
- Non-General Obligation Debt for Business and Economic Development
- Non-General Obligation Debt for Education
- General Obligation Debt for Business and Economic Development
- More than $30 Billion of the Bonds are Self- Supporting
- 1.38% ratio of debt service on outstanding or issued debt
- General Obligation Debt must pass each chamber by 2/3 vote and be approved by voters
- State Debt is 15.8% of all Texas government debt (state and local)
Local Debt by the numbers:
- Total Outstanding Local Debt: $212.4 billion
- Top 3 Categories originating Local Debt:
- School Districts
- Local Governments
- Water Districts
- 62% of local debt is tax supported general obligation
LBB | Debt Summary
LBB | Overview of State Debt