LBB New Guidance on LARs. 10 New items.
LBB Issued new Guidance to Agencies on their Legislative Appropriation Requests (LARs). The new LAR items:
- New: Budget Overview Schedule. No new data, just a new format with a concise overview
- New: Program-Level Request Schedule. Contrasts previous bienium expenditures with request
- New: Summary of Behavioral Health Funding Schedule. List behavioral health or substance abuse services expenditures
- Deleted: Budgetary Impacts Related to Federal Health Care Reform and the Budget Control Act
- Administrator’s Statement concerning the mandated 4% cut
- Exceptional Item Request Schedule 4.A: Information Technology. Specifically if there is an IT contract or contracts with outside entities from amounts in excess of $50,000.
- Ten Percent Biennial Base Reduction Options. reduction options should also include estimates of any losses in revenue, including Federal Funds, as part of the agency’s impact statement within the schedule.
- Transferred Programs. Agencies receiving a transferred program or function should not re-enter historical expenditures for a transferred program
- Schedule 3.A. Strategy Request. More specifics required to justify a biennial change
- Centralized Accounting and Payroll/Personnel System (CAPPS) – include all ongoing costs to support and maintain their systems.
LARs are due to LBB in August.
LBB | Updated 2018-19 agency CAPPS listing on page 45 of the LAR Instructions