Legal Trend: The Billionaires behind the Successful Local Soda Tax.

Who: Businesses

Did what? Filed suit against Philadelphia to prevent collection of the new soda tax

What basis did business have to file suit against the City of Philadelphia to stop the soda tax? Business asserts that the new soda tax is:

  • against state law that already imposes a 6% sales tax on the products
  • against SNAP mandates & could affect the state’s SNAP funds

Forbes | Lawsuit Filed Against Philadelphia In Effort To Stop Soda Tax


Informed Intel on 9th of June 2016:

The Billionaires Behind the Successful Local Soda Tax.

How the soda tax win in Philadelphia was messaged:  A win for education. A win for the coalition of educators, parents, and rec center volunteers

The billionaires/business types supporting the soda tax:

The impending legal fight: local beverage bottling businessman is filing suit

Dallas Morning News | How Texans helped Philadelphia become first U.S. city with soda tax