Lege Trend: Taxing-Cigs. Triple the Tax + E-cig Tax History

Republican Governor Kasich (OH) proposes taxing 30 mL of liquid nicotine for a total price of $33.75. For reference, 30mL is about 2 table spoons, or roughly 1 ounce. This will generate $22.3 million in revenue over 2 years. 

The liquid nicotine tax is in addition to sales tax. Gov. Kasich also proposes increasing the tax on traditional cigarettes by $1 for a total tax of $2.25.

How have e-cig taxes fared?

  • In 2014 12 states attempted to ban e-cigs. All 12 failed to ban the product. 
  • NC tax for liquid nicotine is 5 cents per mL
  • MN taxes liquid nicotine at 95% the wholesale cost

Columbus Dispatch