Lege Trend turns Legal Trend: Taxing Ammo

This Monday NRA and other gun rights organizations sued Seattle for implementing its ammo tax.  

The legal and opposition arguments:

  • the ammo tax is  “a ‘poll tax’ on the Second Amendment”
  • the ammo tax is” an effort to drive Seattle’s firearms retailers out of business.”
  • The ammo tax violates Washington state law that prohibits cities from implementing these taxes locally.


Previously on Information Intelligence:

Lege Trend: Taxing Ammo

Seattle passed an ammo & gun tax this year. Seattle slapped a $25 tax on gun sales and 2-5 cent tax on rounds of ammo within its city limits. Seattle’s goal: fund gun violence prevention programs.

KTRH examines whether Houston might do the same. The answer- not likely. State law prevents local regulation of firearm purchasing.