Local Government Contracting TREND. 8 Local Contracting Strategies You Will See.
Harvard Kennedy School’s Government Performance Lab has produced new book, the new Results-Driven Contracting Solutions Book.
The book offers 8 startegies for local government contracting. Here’s where to begin:
- COMMUNICATE. Clearly lay out goals and/or problems to be solved
- WORK WITH AND NOT AGAINST YOUR CONTRACTORS. Design the procurement to align contractor interests with achieving those goals.
- NO HELICOPTER PARENTING BY CITIES PLEASE. Provide direction without being overly prescriptive.
- ENCOURAGE COMPETITION. Engage the marketplace to understand vendor capabilities and leverage competition.
- CONTRACT MANAGEMENT. Track progress toward contract goals.
- INCENTIVIZE. Consider tying payment to performance.
- LEARN FROM YOUR CONTRACTING EXPERIENCES. Use performance data to make future procurement decisions and manage ongoing contracts.
- THINK BROADLY. Strategically manage all key procurements and contracts.