Most Resilient Local Economies

What is happening? The non-profit, Heartland Forward, ranks local governments based on being  “more resilient and moving toward better economic futures”

Why is this important? There’s a top 25. Roughly 1/2 are from small states- UT, ID, OR, AR, NV and NC. So how do the large population states fall?

  • #1 San Jose CA
  • #2 The Villages, Florida
  • #3 San Francisco- Oakland-Berkeley, California
  • #7 Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown, Texas
  • #10 Naples-Marco Island, Florida
  • #11 Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, Washington
  • #20 Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin, Florida
  • #22 Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • #24 Bremerton-Silverdale-Port Orchard, Washington

How will this be important? The magic combo of characteristics for resilient cities is “mix of technology jobs, outdoor recreational activities, cultural amenities and a university and state capitol,”

Heartland Forward | MOST DYNAMIC METROS, 2021