New Texas Budget Coalition. Nuts and Bolts.

The new budget coalition in Texas: Conservative Texas Budget

6 point plan:

  • Conservative Budget $234.1 billion in All Funds $156.5 in State Funds Based on an increase in population growth and inflation for 2017-18
  • Spending Limits for State & Cities  based on last 2 fiscal years and capped at no more than population growth and inflation
  • property tax relief automatic local rollback trigger rate at 2.5% and use state dollars to eliminate school maintenance and operations property taxes
  • No margins tax
  • Tax relief Fund  to return tax dollars
  • zero-based budgeting and promote efficiency audits to eliminate government waste

Coalition members:

*Americans forProsperity–Texas            
*Americans for Tax Reform
*Citizens Against Government Waste        
*Grassroots America—We the People
*Heartland Institute                                 
*Heritage Alliance                       
*Institute for Policy Innovation                  
*Lone Star Policy Institute 
*National Taxpayers Union                      
*Our America Initiative
*R Street Institute                                     
*Reason Foundation 
*State Budget Solutions                                     
*Texans for Fiscal Responsibility 
*Texans 4 Truth                             
*Texas Eagle Forum           
*Texas Public Policy Foundation               
*Young Conservatives of Texas