Revenue & Appraisal Caps: 2015 Bills
The bills:
- SB 182 by Bettencourt: Lower the roll back effective tax rate to 4%; exceeding that rate automatically triggers an election
- SB 156 and SJR 14 by Nichols: 5% appraisal cap
Dallas Morning News breaks down the opposition & support. Opponents Say:
- These bills shift tax burdens (Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins)
- Cities account for 16% of local taxes while school districts account for 55% (TML)
Supporters Say:
- Lt. Governor Patrick a long time supporter of property tax relief, calling recently for “real tax relief now, and [at] bringing down the value increases that are beyond the reach of many homeowners to keep up with.”
- Senator Bettencourt has pointed to these bills having died in sessions past in the House