Stable TV Film Incentives in OK

What’s happening? Oklahoma is offering incentives for tv and film production and it’s working.

Why is this important? Sundance film darlings, upcoming Martin Scorsese big-budget “Killer of the Flower Moon, and more had the OK Legislature in July 2021 pass incentives that include:

  • $30 million cash rebate available — set until 2031 —
  • a base rebate rate of 20%
  • with the opportunity to reach 38% in a rebate

How will this be important? “The fact that there is such a direct and easy communication with the governor’s office, which is not obvious in other states, is truly helpful. You know, you have a problem. Let’s figure out a solution and address it,” says Dylan Brodie, associate production on FX hit series “Reservation Dogs” and owner of Eleven Hundred Studios Collective in Tulsa.

Variety | Oklahoma’s Stable Incentives, Studio Space and Crew Boosts Production