Texas #29 in Federal Dollar Use. TX Campaigns are Acting on it.

The Tax Foundation ranks Texas as #29 in recieving federal funding. Federal unds in Texas account for 32.6% of state general revenue.

How much federal funds are other states taking in percentage of their budget? On the low end are North Dakota (19.0 percent), Hawaii (21.5 percent), Alaska (22.4 percent), Virginia (22.9 percent), and Connecticut (23.4 percent).

What do these low federal fund states have in common? High tax collections.

Why does it matter that Texas is #29? In HD 7 campaign the taking of federal funds is painted as a no-no by candidate Watts. 

HD 7 is a Republican Primary battle royal to replace Simpson. In 1 corner, there is Watts and in the other corner, there is former Longview Mayor Dean.

Longview News Journal | Philosophies clash in debate between Dean, Watts