TIRZ. Developer Deal. 12 Years no Development. Lawsuit. 4 Pieces Informed Intel.

Which Texas city offered a developer a del via a TIRZ? Galveston via the The Galveston Island Redevelopment Authority

What development was promised? Beachtown, which by 2013 was to include:

  • a hotel
  • 306 single-family houses
  • 200 multifamily units
  • 250 units of retirement housing

Was the development completed? No

What facts does the lawsuit highlight?

  • Secret negotiations, secret meetings in violation of the Open Meetings Act
  • Allegations that the developer forced replacement of commissioners on the Galveston Island Redevelopment Authority
  • A contractual gag order on local officials to not discuss the deal

Houston Chronicle | Galveston development project shrouded in secrecy despite public investment