TIRZ Reform & Houston Mayoral Race. 3 Things to Know Now.
- Bill King and Ben Hall want TIRZ reform
- Bill King Says
- TIRZs are not transparent
- TIRZs issue debt with no voter approval
- TIRZs should be for blight and they are used in Memorial, Uptown and Upper Kirby
- Eliminate TIRZs
- Deride the Uptown TIRZ are the #1 target
- Ben Hall Says
- TIRZs are not doing what they’re designed to do
- TIRZs divert general fund money to fund projects in Memorial and Bellaire
- Asked Mayor Parker to delay votes on TIRZ budgets
- Deride the Uptown TIRZ are the #1 target
Dolcefino | Hall calls on mayor to delay TIRZ votes
BigJolly Politics | Bill King follows Ben Hall’s lead on reforming TIRZ’s