Top 15 Issues for Legislatures in 2020
- Abortion
- Climate
- infrastructure hardening
- Funding to mitigateclimate-related problems
- Criminal Justice Reform
- “ban the box” laws and policies that stop job application forms that ask for a yes or no answer about a prior criminal record
- Election Security
- Health Care
- rural hospital closures
- pharmaceutical costs/opioid crisis
- Highway Funding
- gas taxes. repeal of EV credits. how do we pay for underfunded road maintenance?
- Housing
- Pre-emption by states to limit what a city can do or dictate policy
- Immigration
- no federal action, means states are clamoring
- Net Neutrality
- 34 states have introduced net neutrality bills after Trump FCC repeal of net neutrality
- Pensions
- funding rations, funding ratios, funding ratios
- Pre-emption
- block local governments from having single-family zoning regulations in place
- Zoning regulations impact short term rentals and multifamily housing
- Quelling Recession Fears
- Whether to spend down state savings accounts
- Redistricting
- Vaping
- 200 municipalities have banned flavored e-cigarettes
- Workforce
- Minimum Wages
- Defining Gig Workers as Employees/Independent Contractors
Governing | The Biggest Issues to Watch in 2020