UPDATE. California Bans State Travel to Texas. Texas Sues.

Why is Texas suing? California bans state travel to 11 states that restrict or limit LGBTQ persons in ways others are not restricted or limited

What 3 issues does Texas raise against the travel ban equated?

  • economic sanctions that deprive Texas of tax revenue from the travel
  • violates federal laws on interstate commerce
  • discriminates against Texas business owners

Politico | Texas sues California over law banning state-sponsored travel

Attorney General Becerra: Alabama, Kentucky, South Dakota and Texas Added to List of Restricted State Travel

Previously on InfoHive:

+1 New State Travel Ban

Where: California

How many states are on California’s travel ban? 11, including Texas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Mississippi and Kentucky

What’s the newest travel ban? Iowa

What did Iowa do to earn a travel ban? removed gender protections under Medicaid

Sacramento Bee | California adds an 11th state to its travel ban. No taxpayer-funded trips to Iowa