Utah Created a Business Sandbox. Who wants to play?

What’s the deal? The Utah legislature created a business sandbox. This is just a weird and fancy way of saying the state will “create a pathway for innovators to get a temporary reprieve from standing state rules that could impede or prevent a new idea from getting a real-world tryout.” HB 217 (2021 | UT)

Why is this important? All states are trying to figure out how to get the next big innovator to call their state home. The jargon answer- a regulatory sandbox to let business play. Maybe their experiences in sand boxes were better than mine, because I’m pretty sure other kids in the sandbox were bullies.

How will this be important? Eventually state will get it right and find that magic combo to lure innovation.

Desert News | Will the next Uber or Airbnb want to launch in Utah, thanks to this new business ‘sandbox’?