5 Metrics For Measuring Social Impact

What’s happening? The Board of Innovation is proposing 5 basic impact metrics that you can personalize for your business or client’s business.

Why is this important? Let’s look at the 5 metrics:

  • Net Results Metrics like Volunteered hours, emission reduction percentages, or number of funded initiatives
  • Net promoter Scores. Ask whether the impact would be recommended and find the rank the perception of your project amongst a specific community.
  • Outreach Metrics like Social media and website metrics
  • Inclusion & Diversity Metrics ” every social project needs to account for diversity, not only of beneficiaries, but of its staff too.”
  • Feedback. Get it externally AND internally. Know how your community and your parters and your employees feel.

How will this be important? We’re all looking for modes and methods to quantity impact.

Board of Innovation | 5 metrics for social impact measurement