Ride Share Embraces Alcohol Delivery

What’s the deal? Uber bought Drizly, the alcohol delivery service, for $1.1. Billion. Some say it is ” a gamechanger that could “turbocharge” the growth of online-enabled alcohol delivery. ” Alcohol delivery grew by 80% in 2020.

Why should we care? There’s a host of issues involved here. (1) the roll back of regulations on businesses that were deemed burdensome (2) will pandemic regulatory roll backs stick? (3) Can third parties deliver alcohol? (4) If 3rd parties can deliver alcohol can they deliver sealed bottles? does it include cocktails from bars and restaurants?

How can this impact me? We’ve all opened up to delivery more. It’s like the 1930s delivery of eggs or milk or ice, without as much of the racism and sexism. Delivery of goods and services is here to stay and our prohibition era rules don’t match current economic forces.

Governing | A Chance to Liberate Booze Delivery — if Government Allows It